_(please share a memory and add your comments!)
... you knew you were getting close to Berry Lake when you smelled the mint fields along Blueberry Road (now Hwy R)??? Posted by Berrylakers at 3:07 PM 20 comments: Berrylakers said... and you had to roll up your car windows once you got onto Blueberry Road to keep the gravel dust from getting in the car (but it did anyway, and on those 90+ degree days, it stuck to your sweaty skin)...so you just HAD to jump into the lake as soon as you got here! August 21, 2009 3:14 PM Berrylakers said... there was a telephone line that ran over the lake between the point and Gaynor's (now DePrey's); and every once in awhile, a small plane would fly underneath it (probably a Baldwin!) August 24, 2009 2:17 PM Berrylakers said... there was a lighted telephone booth outside of the Berry Lake Club, at a time when few had phones on the lake. As a teenager who couldn't possibly live without a phone for more than a day, I was forced to put my flip flops on (we used to call them thongs back then before they had another meaning!) before going inside the booth to make a call because of all the dead June bugs that filled the floor. Eeewww... Kay August 24, 2009 2:20 PM Berrylakers said... Ed and Dot's (now Harley's Den) and Tom and Sophie @ the Berry Lake Club? Kay August 24, 2009 2:21 PM Berrylakers said... when a 50 hp outboard was enough to pull up 4 slalom skiers, and the only inboard/outboard on the lake belonged to Micky Malcheski who parked his cabin cruiser here sometimes during the summer? Kay August 24, 2009 2:22 PM Berrylakers said... the scent of this place when you first got out of the car after the long ride up here? It still smells wonderfully fresh and piney, but now that I live here full time I don't notice it as much anymore. Do any of you??? Kay August 24, 2009 2:24 PM Berrylakers said... going to the Underhill dump and chatting with Pappy??? August 24, 2009 2:26 PM Berrylakers said... Reigert's and Klatt's taverns in downtown Underhill? Kay August 24, 2009 2:27 PM Berrylakers said... going to the Hintz bar for fresh eggs (along with pickled ones...yuck!) and conversation with Louie and Joanne? Kay August 24, 2009 2:32 PM Berrylakers said... when windsurfing, not wave-running, was popular here??? Kay August 24, 2009 4:15 PM Berrylakers said... hydroplanes???!!! Kay August 24, 2009 4:18 PM Berrylakers said... "da...da...dadadadadadadada...dadadadadadadadada...da da da da da da da da da da...da da da da da da da da da...HEY!" was heard across the lake on warm summer eves??? Kay August 24, 2009 5:35 PM Berrylakers said... you heard whippoorwills every night before going to bed? August 24, 2009 6:12 PM Berrylakers said... the Krueger's barn that stood on their grounds on the east shore? I miss that landmark here on the lake! August 26, 2009 3:49 PM Berrylakers said... there was an alternate route through the Town of Underhill and you had to drive over that neat, old metal bridge to cross the Oconto River to get to Reigert's or Klatt's taverns? I've seen some of our best fall colors from that old bridge. August 26, 2009 3:51 PM ginny said... 1956 - my dirty fanny was washed under a pump on the back porch with ice cold artesian (?) water - I hate cold water to this day!!!! Then i graduated to an outhouse decorated with cartoons tacked to the walls, P.U.!!! Thank God for plumbing installed in 1965. August 27, 2009 10:32 AM Jennifer said... Sitting on Grandma Baldwin's back porch listening to stories, watching birds, learning about bats and wildflowers. May 16, 2010 3:13 PM Jennifer said... When a motor flew of the back of another fishing boat and we all went to help look for it. John was looking over the front of the bow and Charlie put the boat in reverse and John went head over tail off the front of the boat in to the water. May 16, 2010 3:16 PM Anonymous said... The parade when the cast iron tub (with Brian Bains? in it) tipped off the huge chunk of foam and sunk to the bottom of the lake. May 16, 2010 3:17 PM Berrylakers said... I heard that the tub flipped off somewhere near our place, and I've been looking for it ever since...would look great in my garden!!!
_Entry dated June 17, 1925...
Spent our Honeymoon here at Green Gables, and there is no better spot on earth to spend a honeymoon. The most neat and up to date cottage I ever have been in. Was in swimming and just got my feet wet. But will do better next time. Caught some nice fish but had to throw them back in again. Well will spend one and half days here yet but I hate to leave this wonderful place. Hope it is not our last visit to Green Gables. Mr. and myself sure enjoyed especially because Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Korotev and son Jordan were with us. Hope to visit Green Gables soon. Here's to say Goodbye and Good Luck. Mr. and Mrs. George Kadow, married the 16th of June 1925. Personally, I can't imagine sharing space on your honeymoon! This entry is dated July 4-5-6-7, 1935, written by the "Cole Quintet" (Dona, Mae, Anna, John, and Carl)... _This message was forwarded to me and seems to answer the question about where Green Gables was located on the lake. Thanks to Barbara Korotev who supplied this information via Karen Stiles (Karen believes that GREEN GABLES was originally the Holman cottage or the one west of their place now owned by Della Huck)...
Green Gables was located west of your place, Karen, west of the Reverend Damp's place, and two doors east of what was my Aunt Irene's place. She was Irene Gill, older sister of my mother, Jane Korotev. You must have been in Green Gables many times because you and your brothers, and Dave and myself, "hung out" together every summer. And we owned Green Gables for several years until we moved to The Point. Actually, we owned Green Gables and the place up the hill from The Point. Sold them both and bought The Point in the early 60s. My father, Dean, bought Green Gables from his uncle, Frank Korotev, in the 50s. We were there when my brother Dave was in high school and had a driver's license. I remember that because Dave captured a porcupine and brought it back to the cottage in the trunk of Dad's car. Dave left the porcupine overnight in the garage, and, no surprise, the animal escaped by chewing a hole in the garage door. Dad was furious. Not only was the trunk of his car stuck full of porcupine quills, but the garage door was ruined and had to be replaced. I also remember helping to plant all the evergreens that now grow between the house and the road. Dad called it 'the stolen forest' because the then tiny trees came from alongside country roads. Incidentally, the Stanley Korotev referred to in the blog was Frank's brother. Uncle Stanley's son Jordan, also mentioned in the blog, was a long-time resident of Green Bay. His children still live there. _
Berrylakers said...GREEN GABLES Log August 4, 1930... "MIDNIGHT A rap at the door - Ellen responds-Man had lost his way inspite and because of Moonshine. Dave & I crawl knee-deep under cover." February 16, 2011 4:58 PM Berrylakers said...GREEN GABLES Log August 8, 1930 3PM... FOREST FIRE The County here has suffered from the lack of rain. It is dryer here than any preacher and that's dry. Playing Bridge suddenly we see a cloud of smoke. Lo the Woods is on fire over on the West end of the lake. In a moment the forest is alive with men. "Ye Gods" how a common enemy makes all men Brothers. So a great danger tends to pulverize all social lumps. February 16, 2011 5:02 PM Berrylakers said...per Angela Rikaby...The DE FIVE are the Korotev's, Frank being my Grandfather. February 17, 2011 6:20 AM Berrylakers said...per Colleen Baldwin... I do know that my family owned a hunting lodge where Curry's is now that used to rent rooms. Is that what this is from? Very cool if it is. Thanks for sharing it. February 17, 2011 6:21 AM Berrylakers said...per Stephanie Cox... Here’s some info that may jog someone’s memory: My husband, Dennis Cox, remembers hearing about a ‘hotel’ or ‘inn’ that he thinks is now Ken Gruber’s place. Angela: that’s only two cottages away from you –14341 N. Shore Rd. I guess now-a-days it might be called a ‘bed & breakfast’. February 17, 2011 6:32 AM Word Verification This information is thanks to Berrylaker Angela Rikaby...
Back in the 1920's, there was a property on Berry Lake that was called GREEN GABLES. Angela shared the log book that was kept at the property...guests were to write their name, the date, and "other particulars" of their stay there. No one that I've talked to is sure where exactly this property was located, so please comment on this blog if you do. Here are the entry suggestions, as stated in the log book on its first page: "Green Gables" Log is for the pleasure of its guests. Enter any events, slang phrase or Motto or remarks about record catches (fish or otherwise), parties or special expeditions of any kind that you think will be of interest to yourself or others should you again be a guest at "Green Gables". The photo below is of a log book entry dated July 10, 1923 by DE FIVE (which stands for David, Ellen, Frank, Irene, Virginia, and Edla) and I thought it was worth sharing! |
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